Monday 28 September 2015

Having Fun with CompTIA's Interactive Map of U.S. IT Jobs Data

Periodic reports on employment and the next CompTIA IT IT industry growth prospects in the industry sector. Until recently, however, they have never offered much in the way of data visualization tools often completely oars and then collect. Recently published in its "Top IT Jobs by MSA," however, that triggered a fascinating representation where IT jobs are, and which types are most popular by location. (Zone "MSA" Metropolitan Statistical Methods, how to pose a significant demographer underground areas, and people in them.) \

The new fun toy announced on his blog that dates all the way back to July, but that was only offered in CompTIA SmartBrief today. Preston Grisham asks how it all maps Tell us IT Jobs Landscape. "Top IT Jobs MSA" CompTIA is a collaboration between sponsors, partners and OpenStreetMap CartoDB. Here is a static snapshot showing part of esta this baby can do:


In this illustration we see the metropolitan statistical area south and west of San Jose, Calif., Centered around Santa Cruz and Watsonville. Although the figures are the most exciting things for around San Francisco to the north, this was one of the areas that has emerged as I jumped around the Valley region infamous Silicon Known as the way check job market is making these days . Of course, you do not have to limit your searches sunny California - that Hawaii is not drawn, you can find anywhere in America or Alaska to check the MSA included therein.

(What gives, Hawaii? Certainly not more than the scene where the pina coladas and getting caught in the rain, and ukuleles for managers of vacation.

This is an excellent tool for anyone working in IT (or plan to work on the computer), and for those who still work for less selfish reasons. It provides a popular IT job lists of names, and lists of jobs and most popular global IT employment figures for almost all MSA 388 recognized in the American continent and Alaska (for more on this, see this Article List of Metropolitan Statistical Areas) Wikipedia. ("Urban Honolulu", is also the largest MSA in the United States 54. Seriously, Hawaii, what is it?)

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