Thursday 29 December 2016

Registration opens for CompTIA 2017 annual member meeting

Industry leaders and leaders will meet in Chicago March 21-23, 2017 for two days of collaboration, discussion, networking and strategic planning. The 2017 meeting will mark the eighth consecutive year that the most active, committed members and competent CompTIA will meet to help set the agenda for the association for next year.

"Our members are always ready and happy to connect with our annual membership meeting," said Kelly Ricker, executive vice president, events and education, CompTIA. "It's an opportunity for them to share strategies on how to take advantage of new business opportunities and business tactics to address recent competitive pressures."

The highlights of the annual meeting are the planning and strategy sessions held by many CompTIA member communities and advisory boards. These volunteer groups - formed by the most brilliant and innovative minds in the industry - are shaping CompTIA activities, including the development of new content, educational offerings, events, policy positions, programs and research. The global technology industry.

The 2017 Annual Meeting will also offer members the presentation of the second annual CompTIA Member of the Year award. This award recognizes a member who, over the past 12 months, has demonstrated exceptional service and impact thanks to their commitment, passion, professionalism and leadership to help CompTIA advance the industry.

Thursday 15 December 2016

SMBs See Technology as Crucial, But ROI Uncertainties Remain

A new report from CompTIA, the association of IT industry, SMEs shows technology as a paramount factor in the business meeting, although some goals have mixed feelings about the return on their investment.

CompTIA SME surveyed for some 600 "The Business Relevance of IT in the SME market." Cybersecurity, data usage, and modernization of existing infrastructure and applications are key areas for improvement, which opens opportunities for Channel Partners with the right combination of technology, business, Industry to play a role in directing purchasing decisions by appropriately recommending their offers for SMB customers, CompTIA said.

"This highlights a major challenge: balancing the desire to embrace innovation with the realities of managing the business," said Tim Herbert, senior vice president of CompTIA's research and intelligence market.

Top SME targets for the coming year include: customer retention (50 percent); Expansion into new markets (48 per cent); Business process improvement (46 percent); Innovation (42 per cent); And the development of the workforce (34 percent).

One in three spend more than SMEs earns $ 100,000 a year, with less remaining expenses, according to the report. About 43 per cent said they invest less than they should be

While three out of five (60 percent) believe that SMEs their return on investment (ROI) in technology has been excellent or good, the other two (40 percent) classify it as "just OK" or disappointing. And the costs, the necessary updates and the built-in obsolescence, the staff time required to operate and maintain the initial costs, and complexity.

The sentiment on the ROI is accompanied by a caveat, CompTIA said. Only one in five SME reports using ROI calculators dedicated to assess the impact of their technology spending. Others rely on more generally casual or tools, or on "rough" estimates. Yet, it signals the need for technology providers to refine the return on investment from their discussions with customers.

"Because technology is to be deliverable Often positioned on what seems impossible, expectations can be detached from reality," Herbert Said. "This can be particularly problematic for small businesses who can not have a clear vision and strategy for how different components or technological solutions to solve a problem or business problem. More important role in the discussion of return on investment with customers by setting realistic expectations, identifying the indirect benefits of technology spending and providing big picture strategic and targeted direction, tactical expertise.

Thursday 8 December 2016

More Customers Are Looking To Adopt IoT, With Partner Help

Channel partners are beginning to "warm up" to the Internet of the Things market as more customers adopt experimental pilot projects and formal initiatives around the IOT, according to CompTIA report.

Lisa Person, Community Director at CompTIA, told The Channel Company's NextGen Cloud Conference & Expo solution providers that the channel is realizing the benefits and opportunities surrounding massive amounts of data from connected devices.

"Customers need help connecting the different parts of the IoT," she said on Tuesday. "As the devices become more connected, they want to know: how do you handle all this and what do you do with all the data? This is where partners can come into play with analytics and BI tools.

Although the market is still new, customers are starting to take an interest in the Internet because they benefit from IoT solutions, including better customer experience, better asset visibility, more accurate tracking, cost savings and better decision-making data.

According to CompTIA, 33 percent of organizations have an experimental project or pilot project underway and 27 percent have already adopted a formal IOT initiative. Meanwhile, 23 percent of organizations are planning an IoT initiative underway in a year, and only 15 percent have no plan around IoT.

Despite the increasing interest in the Internet of objects, customers and channel partners still face obstacles that they must overcome to adopt IOT strategies. For example, according to CompTIA's research, up to 55 percent of channels view the development of expertise around the IOT as a major challenge.

"The partners are worried about putting in-house expertise and talent around the Internet objects, and then starting up costs," said Person.

Channel partners have also listed the initial costs of the IoT project, educating customers and choosing business models the other challenges they face in the Internet space of things.

For example, the South African system integrator, Dimension Data, has proposed a revolutionary solution to connect the Tour de France to a range of IoT applications. In 2015, Dimension Data launched a four-month project to link bicycles, create personalized networks, capture real-time data, and provide high-tech security for the race so that mobile users can see the status of Participants.

Nathan Phinney, President of Bright Bear Technology Solutions, a managed service provider based in Irvine, Calif., Said solution providers are interested in IoT but are still looking for successful use to better the monetize the market.

"I think a lot of MSPs continue to take the temperature ... there is a level of interest that is quite high in the development of IoT practices in partner managed services companies," he said. "But it's still a green market, people are still to understand, similar to cloud when it was young - what is it, how to monetize it, and what are the possibilities in space.

Sunday 13 November 2016

October Jobs Report Shows Strong Month for IT Services and Software, CompTIA Analysis Finds

Employment in information technology (IT) in the country increased by 4,200 jobs in October, the fourth consecutive month of growth, according to IT employment Tracker released today by CompTIA, the non-profit association Profit benefit of the technology industry.

As it did throughout 2016, the category of software and services has boosted employment growth in the IT sector, adding 8,300 jobs last month, according to the analysis of the CompTIA Employment Report work (#jobsreport) of the Bureau of Labor Statistics released this morning. For the year, this category increased by 73,500 jobs.

"The relatively strong employment report is an indication that the IT sector and employment in the IT sector remain true to year-end growth targets," said Tim Herbert, senior vice president of research CompTIA and market intelligence.

"Despite the anguish in next week's elections, employers added technology jobs, a reflection of the continuing demand for digital business technology, IT management services, and expertise in cyber security related skills.

Employment growth in October was also reported in the categories of other information services, including search portals (up to 1200) and data processing, hosting and related services (+ 200).

Lower earnings last month were the decline in telecommunication employment (4500 jobs) and IT and electronics (1000).

Net profit for October: a gain of 4,200 jobs. During the first 10 months of 2016, the IT sector has added 56,800 new jobs.

The second component of the nation's IT workforce - the IT business in all other industries - has declined somewhat in October, with an estimated net gain of 69,000 jobs. For the calendar year, IT professionals show an estimated net gain of more than 86,000 jobs.

Thursday 10 November 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 61

Question No 61:

A system administrator is configuring UNIX accounts to authenticate against an external server. The configuration file asks for the following information DC=ServerName and DC=COM. Which of the following authentication services is being used?


Answer: D

Thursday 3 November 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 60

Question No 60:

A recent audit has discovered that at the time of password expiration clients are able to recycle the previous credentials for authentication. Which of the following controls should be used together to prevent this from occurring? (Select TWO).

Password age
Password hashing
Password complexity
Password history
Password length

Answer: A, D

Sunday 30 October 2016

Channel remains undecided on cloud, says CompTIA

CompTIA research suggests that after gobbling the cloud of dreams, the channel may be subject to buyer's remorse period

Channel companies have not yet made up their mind about where cloud computing fits your business, finding new CompTIA suggests.

Sixth annual status report channel CompTIA found that almost 40% of respondents believe that cloud computing is the main reason to be optimistic about the future of the chain.

At the same time, a third of companies surveyed said the cloud channel is one of the main concerns that made them worried about the coming days.

"The channel is still not 100% comfortable with the cloud, in fact, are less secure than they were two years ago," said Principal Carolyn April, industry analysis, CompTIA.

April, said that after a period of rapid adoption of the cloud, the channel seems to undergo a "reality check."

"As the channel has had more experience in working with the cloud, which saw the problem areas, tempered their expectations about the cost and return on investment and are now in the phase of" refinement, "" she said. "This shows that the passage of the chain to the cloud is not linear, March uniform pace, but rather a case of two steps forward and one step back."

Branches clouds go beyond capital expenditures and return on investment. There are two years, 70% of companies surveyed channel said the cloud had strengthened its relations with customers. This year, the figure dropped to 60%. And almost a quarter of companies believe that cloud ties with customers weakened, compared with 17% two years ago.


Despite going through a period of instability, most organizations (63%) remain optimistic that the channel has a good performance in the coming years, interesting, medium and large companies were more optimistic than their counterparts in the smaller companies.

Sunday 23 October 2016

CompTIA: School careers days have 'zero impact' on IT skills gap

One-day career days or school talks are having "zero impact" on plugging the IT skills gap, according to CompTIA's CEO Todd Thibodeaux (pictured), who said longer-term projects involving tech role models would work better.

Many technology professionals across the industry go into schools to talk up the benefits of a career in tech through larger projects or under their own steam. But Thibodeaux says the risk with this strategy is that the next day, another speaker from another industry might come in and do the same thing.

"Those things have zero impact," he told CRN today at CompTIA's EMEA member conference. "We have been doing those things forever and they have no impact at all.

"What has impact is that someone knows a friend or relative or someone they did an internship with. We've taught kids what they would be doing in a job; we've not been telling them why we love our jobs. We have to do a much better job of expressing why we love what we do. That's the part a role model plays. It's not just a one-day or a one-week thing, it's a multi-year thing. If you want kids to pay attention, you have to have constant interaction with them. It won't happen overnight, it will happen over a period of years."

He added that while it is important to introduce children to the idea of a career in IT from a young age, they are unlikely to make any concrete decisions until later on.

"Kids are delaying their career decisions into way into college or university," he said. "So the things you do in high school aged 12 to 16 years old, they're not having any impact. We should target them with long-term engagement with role models. It has to be something where at 12 or 13 they interact with a role model, over a period of years. We need to keep more top of mind over a longer period of time."

CompTIA itself has created in-school projects aimed at encouraging kids – especially girls – into tech. But Thibodeaux admitted he is sceptical about their long-term impact.

"We did Dream IT and we're questioning whether that has any ongoing value – going in and doing one or two engagements in schools," he said. "It's about how we can use that programme to have an ongoing engagement with those people."

Last month, recruiter Robertson Sumner said that as the skills gap intensifies, many resellers are looking outside the IT sector for staff, with estate agents and other sales professionals being targeted.

Thibodeaux agreed that this is a good plan, and said even non-sales workers such as hairdressers might slot well into the channel.

"Soft skills are harder to acquire so looking in other places is important – an estate agent, someone who has worked in a salon, or wherever."

Referring to hairdressers, he said: "They might have just as much aptitude and clearly they are good with their hands and have to deal with people and meet expectations. It is a high-pressure situation.

"The importance of soft skills is big. We're doing a pilot here with veterans and it is proof that in eight weeks you can take someone who has no IT knowledge and make them capable of working on a helpdesk or being a part of a technical team. Instead of looking for the traditional person who comes from a computer background and is a geek, [we need to look elsewhere]. That's the only way we can help solve the pipeline issue.

"We're not going to solve the tech skills shortage with young, white men. There are not enough of them to solve the issue. The industry is facing huge, huge retirements. We always had this big pipeline of people who wanted to work in tech and the pipeline is shrinking relative to what we need. But tech is proliferating into so many other different industries that if you want to work in tech, you don't have to work for a tech company. In the past you did."

Thursday 20 October 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 59

Question No 59:

An administrator discovers that many users have used their same passwords for years even though the network requires that the passwords be changed every six weeks. Which of the following, when used together, would BEST prevent users from reusing their existing password? (Select TWO).

Length of password
Password history
Minimum password age
Password expiration
Password complexity
Non-dictionary words

Answer: B, C

Sunday 3 July 2016

Service Providers Grapple with Cloud

April Carolyn senior director of industry analysis, CompTIA, said he was surprised by the number of service providers that provide cloud offers when asked - especially at this stage of market developments.

"Really, for me, very shocking," she said. "[Cloud] is an inevitable part of what the environment. It should be part of your portfolio."

Amazon Web Services launched its Elastic Compute Cloud in 2006, the development of cloud computing on the road to the state of consumer technology. IDC reported earlier this year that 70% of small businesses and 90% of middle market companies, two major areas for MSP, now involved with the cloud.

A number of service providers, however, seems to see the cloud with much apprehension. The MSPs of CompTIA study asked what issues keep you awake at night: Cloud finished No. 1 concern, with 62% of respondents said technology.

When the cloud appeared, most companies channels, including the MSP, expressed concern that the cloud would be out of business, he said in April. She said some MSPs can still have this fear, but noted the highest percentage of service providers are now worry about where they are in the cloud and how their businesses can maximize profit and growth. In fact, making money from the cloud has been a struggle for MSP.

"They try to understand what their role is in the cloud," Avril said, noting that the paper can go from cloud to cloud to cloud aggregator dealer consultant.

On the other hand, the cloud took a little more than half of the companies surveyed. CompTIA says 54% of MSPs offer deals and cloud-based as a strategic element of business services.

Beyond the cloud, another major concern for MSP is the eternal question of the erosion of margins, with a little more than half of respondents identified this concern. April said margin pressure has intensified in the past five years, the MSP space began to commodify. He said commodification arrived quickly MSP space than other markets because of competition among service providers.

April said some MSPs prices of their bids to undermine its rivals, but take longer. He said smart MSP know the price of the value they bring, while others simply price to win the next agreement at any price.

Thursday 30 June 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 58

Question No 58:

Which of the following would BEST deter an attacker trying to brute force 4-digit PIN numbers to access an account at a bank teller machine?

Account expiration settings
Complexity of PIN
Account lockout settings
PIN history requirements

Answer: C

Thursday 23 June 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 57

Question No 57:

On Monday, all company employees report being unable to connect to the corporate wireless network, which uses 802.1x with PEAP. A technician verifies that no configuration changes were made to the wireless network and its supporting infrastructure, and that there are no outages. Which of the following is the MOST likely cause for this issue?

Too many incorrect authentication attempts have caused users to be temporarily disabled.
The DNS server is overwhelmed with connections and is unable to respond to queries.
The company IDS detected a wireless attack and disabled the wireless network.
The Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service server certificate has expired.

Answer: D

Sunday 19 June 2016

CompTIA Welcomes Two New Members to its State and Local Government and Education Council

CompTIA, the non-profit organization for the technology industry, today Announced the Addition of two leading members of the Organizations as the local state and government and education.

Joining the board are ShoreTel® , a leading provider of cloud, and hybrid home-based business telephony and unified communications solutions; Rogers and Joseph O'Donnell, a leading law firms Government Contracts in the country.

The state and local government and education, a key element of the practice of CompTIA public sector includes leaders of major technology companies and other Organizations in government service and education of the local and national markets.

"With its strong presence in the vertical markets of government and education, ShoreTel Provides an additional level of expertise and insight of our state and the local government and education," Said

Peter Kaminskas, vice president, member relations, CompTIA. "Our board members are a source of knowledge for the members of CompTIA and the wider industry, providing advice and support on how to Develop Business Opportunities in public procurement and education."

Rogers Joseph O'Donnell Has Been Recognized as one of eight law firms Government Contracts in the nation by Chambers USA, a publisher of guides to the legal profession since 1990.

"Public procurement has Become a market increasingly difficult to navigate," Said Kaminskas. "Rogers Joseph O'Donnell Brings a unique and valuable insight to our Board. They are Particularly Recognized for leadership in the state and Local Contracts IT and cybersecurity."

The CompTIA state and local government and is engaged in training led by ITS Initiatives Several members. In the members of the board of California and Texas Have FORMED procurement Committees to create the best possible environment for the success of the supply of IT and to influence legislation and policies That help the government Implement rules and regulations to improve increase the use of technology in the States.

Members of the California Board and Texas Have FORMED procurement Committees to create the best possible environment for the success of the supply of IT and to influence legislation and policies That help the government to Implement rules and regulations to improve increase the use of technology in the States.

In partnership with the National Association of State CIOs and Grant Thornton, the Board Publishes an annual survey of IT managers of the state government on current technology issues, trends and prospects. The 2016 report will be released later esta year.

Council members are active in Past conferences and industry events. The Board will Participate in the National Association of State Directors __gVirt_NP_NN_NNPS Technology <__ annual conference in August; the National Association of State CIO Annual Conference and Public Technology Institute 2016 Local Government CIO Summit in September; and the National Association of State Chief Administrators Institute for Management and Leadership in October.

Joining three tips CompTIA public sector, rose more than 25 percent over the past year ....

Thursday 16 June 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 56

Question No 56:

The concept of rendering data passing between two points over an IP based network impervious to all but the most sophisticated advanced persistent threats is BEST categorized as which of the following?

Stream ciphers
Transport encryption
Key escrow
Block ciphers

Answer: B

Friday 10 June 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 55

Question No 55:

A malicious person gained access to a data center by ripping the proximity badge reader off the wall near the data center entrance. This caused the electronic locks on the datacenter door to release because the:

Badge reader was improperly installed.
System was designed to fail open for life-safety.
System was installed in a fail closed configuration.
System used magnetic locks and the locks became demagnetized.

Answer: B

Sunday 5 June 2016

Get the CompTIA IT Security, Network & Hardware Certification Training for just $39 (over 90% off)

If you are looking for a hit salary (and interesting work to do), Considered become a certified specialist with this CompTIA IT Security, Network training and of hardware certification, now only $ 39 (over 90% off) store in the Boing Boing.

You get 50 hours of content to help you understand the threats to the IT systems of a company and the network, and neutralize them before if converted to liability. master firewall installation, protocols of authentication, and more - the guarantee of That preparation is to keep systems online business.

That Beech once completed, you are ready to ace four tests certified by CompTIA A + exams, Network + exam, safety and + exam on the way to a better career.

Training is normally runs is almost $ 2,200, so now undergo aboard blowout in the price only $ 39 while hard this offer.

Sunday 29 May 2016

Almost Half of Companies Believe Their Security is 'Good Enough'

With reports of massive data breaches becoming almost a regular event in the company, it is obvious that most companies do not dare to rest on their existing security practices. Well, a recent report by CompTIA, this is not the case at all.

According to professional security practices, published on Tuesday, almost half of the security professionals in the company believes that current security practices of their companies are "good enough". While not necessarily a bad thing to be proud of working in an organization, it may signal a dangerous level of complacency with regard to safety.

Interestingly, however, this does not seem to reflect the increasing priority of security in enterprise IT. As noted in the report of CompTIA, research firm Gartner expects the security market the company will have a value of $ 100.3 billion in 2019 worldwide.

So if that many security professionals believe their work is "good enough", so they must be doing something right, right? Well, let's take a look at how CompTIA by the modern approach to security.

First, most modern security policies consist of three distinct movements:
  1.    Change away from the security perimeter
  2.    Balance prevention and detection
  3.    Greater focus on proactive security activities
There are a number of new technologies that play in these movements. The proliferation of cloud, mobile and big data come each with its own security problems, and each of these trends affect the way the potential that companies approach security. The increased use of big data and cloud services means that companies need to better protect their most valuable assets and ensure that compliance protocols and apply appropriate authorization.

This expansion of the biggest security challenges also met with labor problems. In the executive suite functions such as Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or chief security officer (CSO) they are increasing, but security itself is becoming more horizontal time in all aspects of the digital business. At the same time, the total number of jobs compared to a career in security is booming as well. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data cited in the report by CompTIA, the number of messages increased by 175% from 2012 to 2015. In 2012, there were 39,920 job security compared to 109,819 in 2015, increased to 58,456 in 2014. despite this massive enrollment growth, more than half of all companies surveyed said they believed that there was a lack of capacity.

So if security is a growing problem, why are not business professionals take more seriously? According to CompTIA research, safety regarding the priority not always result in improved safety practices.

"Companies can not fully understand the nature of modern threats, the need to support the process with technology and education, or the need to proactively monitor events and building strong defenses," the report said.

In addition to this conviction that safety is already pretty good, matters such as the prioritization of other security technologies (43%) and lack of security measures (39%) are also hampering the improvement of safety.

In terms of what really help change the focus of a security organization, respondents ranked the following as the most important drivers:
  1.   Change in IT operations - 51%
  2.   Reports of security vulnerabilities - 46%
  3.   Of internal security violation or incident - 40%
  4.   The knowledge gained from the training - 39%
  5.   Changing direction - 38%
  6.   Focus on a new vertical market - 37%
  7.   Changes in operations or customer - 37%
  8.   The vulnerability of the audit - 34%
As for the discrepancy between the new security threats and needs of security companies, professionals should consider their own organizations to determine how they can reduce the gap between the reality of the security landscape and how to consider their own employees.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Staff Training as Important as Tech in Cybercrime Fight

The channel has to focus on getting qualified customer personnel cyber security and sale of appropriate technology, according to CompTIA, claiming the regulation of data protection in the EU will force come the problem.

In research published today, the trade group CompTIA channel claims that 70 percent of UK businesses have suffered a security breach in the last year, with a little face of an attack almost once a month. About 60 percent of these companies said that human error was to blame for the rape, CompTIA claims that underscores the urgent need for trained personnel to avoid these problems.

The research attributed the staff negligence, failure to update themselves on new threats, and general lack of experience in the field of security as some of the biggest problems holding back workers.

With this in mind, CompTIA Cyber Secure launches education program, which is designed to provide a "basic understanding" cyber security staff in all areas of organizations.

CompTIA vice president Skills and education EMEA Graham Hunter said this is an opportunity for the channel.

"We freely available to our distribution partners and users have 50 licenses," he said. "We have made a commitment and now is to get on the market. It is to raise the bar of awareness of information security in an organization.

"You could say that these [channel] same organizations must go through a level of sensitivity training, as can often be the guardians of important data by the nature of the services they provide. If your staff are protected not in the same way, this could be an easy way. "

Hunter said he hopes programs like CyberSecure has hit the mainstream in corporate human resource services in other corporate training programs same way.

Richard Beck, head of the firm cybersecurity training IT quality control, agreed and said that obtaining personal education about safety is important.

"The best technology in the world will not protect against the actions of an employee who intentionally or by an innocent mistake, opening the door to an attack," he said. "With regard to cybersecurity, companies often take the first technology, training and lags behind in second place. But both must be deployed to the same extent."

Friday 20 May 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 54

Question No 54:

A datacenter requires that staff be able to identify whether or not items have been removed from the facility. Which of the following controls will allow the organization to provide automated notification of item removal?

Environmental monitoring
EMI shielding

Answer: C

Sunday 15 May 2016

U.S. IT Sector Adds 3,600 Jobs in April, CompTIA Analysis Finds

Employment in the sector of Information Technology US (TI) increased by 3,600 jobs in April, according to an analysis of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics by CompTIA, the non-profit organization for industry technology.

In the first four months of 2016, the IT sector added 24,400 jobs and employs 4.37 million people.

"The category of IT services, boosting job growth, adding 7,300 new jobs in April," said Tim Herbert, vice president of research and market intelligence, CompTIA. "At the other end of the spectrum, telecommunications continues to lose jobs, down 3,200 jobs last month."

Other specific job categories, computer and electronic products manufacturing increased by 500 jobs in April. Data processing, hosting and related services (down 600 jobs) and other information services, including search portals (down 400 jobs) recorded falls in employment.

The IT workforce has two components: employment in the IT sector and occupations in all other industries. The IT sector is the largest employer in the occupation of IT workers. the use of IT occupation is estimated at 4.548 million in April, up 2.9 percent from the previous month.

For the year to date, professions added a net 64,000 new jobs.

The number of IT jobs occupation in April totaled 138,700, down 17,200 from March. The most important category of jobs last month was software and application developers, 69,000 screens, indicating a strong demand for software talents. Other rating categories include computer systems engineers and developers (18,600), web developers (18,200), computer systems analysts (16,600) and technology projects (16,300).

Each work will not lead to a new location, and companies often have multiple jobs for a single post. But the number of jobs is another indicator that companies focus their technological efforts.

CompTIA's report on the use of US technology is based on an analysis of the work report of the current status of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment in general, non-farm payrolls rose by 160,000 in April and the unemployment rate remained unchanged at 5.0 percent.

CompTIA IT Job Tracker is the latest research report published by the Association in the use of technology, skills and trends of the labor force

Friday 13 May 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 53

Question No 53:

Which of the following has a storage root key?


Answer: C

Friday 6 May 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 52

Question No 52:

The Quality Assurance team is testing a new third party developed application. The Quality team does not have any experience with the application. Which of the following is the team performing?

Grey box testing
Black box testing
Penetration testing
White box testing

Answer: B

Sunday 1 May 2016

CompTIA: IT industry business confidence dips in Q2

The index of business confidence CompTIA has decreased slightly in Q2, but most of the companies surveyed say they are on track to meet its 2016 revenue targets.

Confidence in the computer industry had a slight decline in the second quarter of executives and professionals CompTIA survey.

IT industry confidence CompTIA Business Index, released this week, fell 0.9 points to 63.1 on a scale of 100 points. The index recorded gains over the previous two quarters. The second quarter 2016 reading was based on an online survey of 277 IT companies and is administered in early April. The survey asked a number of IT companies, including hardware and software vendors and channel companies.

The results of the survey suggest that the volatility of the stock market earlier this year and other factors such as concerns about consumer spending might be in the spirit of the computer industry corporate staff. Tim Herbert, senior research and market intelligence in CompTIA vice president, said the organization will wait to see what the next few quarters before using the determination that the data Q2 is something a pothole.

Recent research suggests some flexibility in IT spending. Techaisle research firm earlier this week predicted a decrease of 2% in 2016 IT spending among companies with 50 or fewer employees. Also this week, IDC reported a growth of "minimal" first quarter in smartphone shipments worldwide, citing "high saturation of smartphones in developed countries."

That said, Herbert said the results of the survey reflect optimism about business conditions in the computer industry. CompTIA research found that 75% of companies indicate that they are "on target or tracking ahead" of its 2016 earnings targets.

Herbert said that IT services in particular continue to see strong demand. He told the story, however, may be different for existing distributors or dealers added value in terms of hardware sales. Herbert also noted healthy demand for services among small and medium enterprises (SME) customers modernize and update inherited, business processes such as paper-based contracts and billing.

Thursday 28 April 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 51

Question No 51:

Which of the following was based on a previous X.500 specification and allows either unencrypted
authentication or encrypted authentication through the use of TLS?


Answer: D

Sunday 24 April 2016

CompTIA Apologises After Email Privacy Blunder

CompTIA industrial group has apologized for exposing the details of contact with at least a thousand Australian members this month.

CRN saw multiple sources of mass emails sent on the morning of April 11 in Australia CompTIA mailing list that expose email addresses of all recipients. The sender, CompTIA new representative ANZ Rhys Jones, village divided into alphabetical blocks to stand up and offer their services to anyone in need.

A few hours after the violation of privacy, Jones sent another message to all recipients - this time with hidden details - apologies for the error.

"This morning I was sent an email to reach you with more details and offer my support. Inadvertently send this email using the wrong protocol. This [is] an unforgivable mistake on my part," he wrote to the members of CompTIA.

"Mistakes are made -. I received comments both publicly and privately that was not my intention to cause a problem such mistakes are made - .. I take full personal responsibility for my mistake sorry to cause any problems my actions have caused ".

vice president of worldwide members Jim Hamilton CompTIA communities mea culpa followed two days later, with other members apologized.

"The mail content and delivery method has not been authorized by CompTIA and are taking steps to ensure this does not happen again. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause" Hamilton said.

CRN includes Jones CompTIA represents over.

Jones declined to comment when contacted by CRN, and asked not be contacted at the telephone number listed on the original email to members. CRN has also been approached Hamilton, but has not received a response at time of writing.

CompTIA not only did advocacy work for the IT industry, but is one of the largest providers of training and certification in the world with 3000 training partners and two million IT certifications issued.

The American Association of origin has more than 2,000 member companies and 75,000 users, with the Australian arm created in 2014. Last year, the director Nick Beaugeard HubOne Local elected as president and former head of Kaseya Asia-Pacific vice president Kellie as Hackney executive board of the party.

Thursday 21 April 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 50

Question No 50:

A security administrator is segregating all web-facing server traffic from the internal network and restricting
it to a single interface on a firewall. Which of the following BEST describes this new network?


Answer: D

Thursday 14 April 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 49

Question No 49:

Maintenance workers find an active network switch hidden above a dropped-ceiling tile in the CEO's office with various connected cables from the office. Which of the following describes the type of attack that was occurring?

Spear phishing
Packet sniffing
MAC flooding

Answer: B

Sunday 10 April 2016

CompTIA Expands Education and Training Resources

Professional non-profit association, CompTIA, added to its portfolio a range of educational tools and training for the IT channel and industry.

The new offerings include several quick online training and begin a series of executive courses certificates on request.

Several executives CompTIA certification programs, were previously only available in a real environment in the classroom, it will be offered as a self-study program.

CompTIA portfolio demand for executive education programs include: Executive Certificate in the intermediate cloud, which deals with "how-tos" of the profitable integration of cloud services channel partners in business; Executive Certificate in the fundamentals of computer security, which helps channel partners to become a trusted advisor for information security, and the Executive Certificate based on mobility, which provides an overview of opportunities managed service providers (MSPs) and IT solution providers to build their businesses around mobility.

CompTIA events and vice president education, Kelly Ricker said that continuous training and development are essential to the growth and success of a channel partner, representing a valuable asset to become a member of the CompTIA user or registered for the first time .

"Our opportunities for education and training are complete and current, developed with the advice of the best business minds in the industry. The channel partners and others will play by choosing CompTIA for their needs for education and training," he said Ricker.

CompTIA certification programs executives are available only for the first members of CompTIA.
The association has also recently published a reference tool, called Standards for channels, consisting of a free series of documents for companies to increase their business performance.

Thursday 7 April 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 48

Question No 48:

Access mechanisms to data on encrypted USB hard drives must be implemented correctly otherwise:

User accounts may be inadvertently locked out.
Data on the USB drive could be corrupted.
Data on the hard drive will be vulnerable to log analysis.
The security controls on the USB drive can be bypassed.

Answer: D

Sunday 3 April 2016

CompTIA Opens ChannelCon 2016 Registration

CompTIA, the non-profit industry organization technology, today opened online registration for ChannelCon 2016, the first industry conference for collaboration, education and networking.

The leaders of the leading technology vendors, distributors and solution providers and industry influencers, the press and analysts will be available for ChannelCon 2016, set for August 1 to 3 at the Diplomat Resort & Spa in Hollywood, Florida.

The theme for 2016 ChannelCon "Breaking Boundaries".

"The rapid pace of innovation with the growing demand for technological solutions makes it a good time for technology companies," said Kelly Ricker, senior vice president, events and education, CompTIA.

"At the same time, many companies are facing new challenges that threaten their ability to survive," continued Ricker. "A ChannelCon 2016, which will provide the resources, strategies and tools to break down the barriers to success."

Summary wheel 2016, the industry will recognize the ChannelChangers CompTIA again; young professionals who have established themselves as true leaders. The awards recognize up-and-coming industry leaders for their hard work, dedication, success or originality as an entrepreneur. Complete eligibility requirements and the application form online.

ChannelCon offers training sessions participants high impact panels industry training, lectures, networking opportunities and working groups on topics and the most significant trends in the industry impact.

ChannelCon 2016 will feature an exclusive educational track at the exit strategies of the company. This three-session program is designed to help channel companies to review their present and future through business valuation and the proposed acquisition and other strategies. Participants will receive free access to a new output Strategies Toolkit, a comprehensive set of resources for all IT services business, regardless of the stage of life.

CompTIA will launch a new safety standard IT ChannelCon 2016. Designed to help companies channel is compatible time and safe, standard and compliance program Certificate Security Executive profitable partner will provide an overview of how avoid common barriers to meet the new safety standard are kept abreast of safety standards and use compliance as a differentiating companies. Participants will receive copies of the new standard, as well as access to a document enabling achievement.

The ChannelCon Track4Techs again in 2016. This individual educational program professional technology helps sharpen their technical skills. CompTIA Participants earn continuing education credits to maintain their current CompTIA.

The call for speakers for ChannelCon 2016 remains open until May 1. Industry leaders, experts and professionals willing to share their knowledge and experiences with others are invited to submit proposals for expression. Topics range of best business practices and channel management, marketing, operations, sales, technical knowledge and training, including cloud, big data, Internet of things, mobility, security and networking.

Thursday 31 March 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 47

Question No 47:

By default, which of the following uses TCP port 22? (Select THREE).


Answer: D, G, H

Sunday 27 March 2016

CompTIA urges standards not to Slip

CompTIA will replace some of their old certificates trusted brand with new rules, and that launches a new program of best practices for its channel members.

The regime Anglo-CompTIA standards, which is available at no additional cost to members, is the next evolution of its program trustmark, CompTIA states that was developed in collaboration with computer scientists, opinion leaders in the industry and technology experts.

However, for members with seal trusted brand, he said CompTIA IT Business will continue to provide trusted brand, but will retire from security, cloud and AccredITUK trusted brands.

He said members who have obtained a trusted brand can maintain their certification and use of the trademark indefinitely, as long as a member of CompTIA are maintained. The first rule to be launched is the standard technology solutions to provide resellers with a guide to become a trusted IT consultant, and the description of best business practices.

CompTIA plans to introduce additional services based on standards, which manages the managed print services, cybersecurity and cloud computing throughout the year.

Nancy Hammervik, vice president of industry relations at CompTIA, said: "These standards will provide channel partners and companies with plans to best practices in the IT channel and will probably lead to a stronger industry better overall health.

"The introduction of standards Anglo CompTIA is evidence of the important role of CompTIA and its members play in promoting the IT industry and minds of inspiration in the world to do more, learn more and be more."

"We make these important tools available to everyone as a guide to process improvement and differentiation," continued Hammervik. "By adopting an" open book approach "it is to promote CompTIA IT channel knowledge and the ability to see an immediate and positive change in your business that will spread throughout the industry and expand the customers they serve."

Kristian Wright, CEO of partners CompTIA Inbay said: "CompTIA is committed to ensure that all chain IT maintains the highest business standards CompTIA new rules provide a new transparent reference IT organizations can work to achieve. business excellence. they also help serve as a reference for iT customers to ensure they get the best service in buying new solutions. as the safety of food resulting changes in the hotel industry, conduct and compliance with these standards will help the IT industry will continue to improve and innovate. "

Thursday 24 March 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 46

Question No 46:

Which of the following is used to verify data integrity?


Answer: A

Sunday 20 March 2016

CompTIA Annual Member Meeting Preview: New Security Research Previewed

New research on how solution providers of enterprise technology are able to provide products and security services to their customers, will be released at the annual meeting of the members of CompTIA in Chicago this month, CompTIA, the trade association for the technology industry announced today.

The data in the following safety study in the IT channel will be presented at a security meeting CompTIA IT Community at the annual membership meeting March 22-24 at the Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park Hotel.

"As companies become more dependent on digital and data, take a more proactive stance with security," said Seth Robinson, Director, Analysis Technology, CompTIA ". This change has created new opportunities for technology providers.

"However, although many suppliers claim to offer a portfolio of robust security, our research suggests that there may be other measures," continued Robinson. "Instead of simply offering customers a menu of security products, companies channel should direct their attention to higher-level services that provide security monitoring and global response."

Robinson will discuss security in the IT channel report for the meeting of community safety CompTIA IT Wednesday, March 23.

The research presentation will be accompanied by a panel discussion - "security technology beyond the costs" - which will examine how solution providers can help customers curb risk and keep costs under control.

Regular speakers include Doug Erickson, vice president of sales partners worldwide, insurance pulse, the leading provider of insurance and access mobile security solutions; Sollazo Marcos, president, CEO and co-founder of SynerComm, Inc., a provider of wireless network, secure access, remote desktop, mobile device management and other services; and Erin Jacobs, founding partner,

Urban Security, a security company that provides information security and compliance solutions specially adapted.

Thursday 17 March 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 45

Question No 45:

Which of the following encrypts data a single bit at a time?

Stream cipher

Answer: A

Thursday 10 March 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 44

Question No 44:

Which of the following functions provides an output which cannot be reversed and converts data into a
string of characters?

Stream ciphers
Block ciphers

Answer: A

Sunday 6 March 2016

CompTIA CertMaster Course Now Available for CompTIA A+ 900 Series Exams

Downers Grove, Illinois March 2, 2016 / PRNewswire / -. CompTIA, the leading provider of certification of skills and education workforce neutral global provider of technology, has announced the latest expansion of its online learning tool CompTIA CertMaster today.

CompTIA CertMaster course is now available for the latest CompTIA A + certification (220-901 and 220-902).

CompTIA A + 900 - series of examinations and corresponding CompTIA CertMaster course - depending on the advanced content security, networks, operating systems, computer operations, troubleshooting and technical support.

"The technical team today is immersed in data migration, troubleshooting, network, storage and security of a rapidly expanding universe of applications, devices, networks and systems," said Thomas Reilly, vice president of CompTIA Learning. "The changes we have made to our exams and learn CertMaster solution reflects this reality."

CompTIA CertMaster is an adaptive solution based on leading research in neuroscience confidence of the party and the main triggers of learning to help people learn faster and retain the information long-term learning information.

Learners progress through CompTIA CertMaster course at their own pace and can move seamlessly between the desktop and mobile devices while progress is maintained.

CompTIA CertMaster 900 during the series has been thoroughly tested, including quality control review third CompTIA authorized to guarantee quality education and coverage of the exam objectives.

More than 30,000 people have used CertMaster CompTIA courses to prepare for CompTIA certification exams.

"I CertMaster to prepare for the exam CompTIA IT basics," said Trent Littrell, technical specialist at the Cleveland State Community College in Cleveland, Tennessee. "CertMaster is an excellent tool for test preparation and I'm glad that is now available to help prepare for the series A + 900".

With more than two million allocated certifications, CompTIA is the leading provider of neutral certifications skills and education of the workforce in the world of computing provider. CompTIA IT certification four categories that test the different standards of knowledge, entry level expert in cloud computing, mobility, Linux, networking, security, storage and other essential technologies for the mission.

Thursday 3 March 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 43

Question No 43:

After a number of highly publicized and embarrassing customer data leaks as a result of social engineering attacks by phone, the Chief Information Officer (CIO) has decided user training will reduce the risk of another data leak. Which of the following would be MOST effective in reducing data leaks in this situation?

Information Security Awareness
Social Media and BYOD
Data Handling and Disposal
Acceptable Use of IT Systems

Answer: A

Sunday 28 February 2016

New CompTIA Advisory Councils Align With IT Channel Ecosystem

CompTIA, the industry association for information technology (IT), recently announced details about its new advisory councils CompTIA, 2016.
The four advisory councils include the Distributor Partner Advisory Council Advisory Board, Advisory Council and the Commission seller end user newly formed, which will provide CompTIA and its members with greater visibility across the range of IT sales cycle.
"The CompTIA Advisory Councils have a rich history to serve as opinion leaders and carry out political ideas that help guide and shape our industry and communities, and influence and inspire our Board of Directors, CompTIA management team and our administrative staff, "said Annette Taber, vice president of industry strategies, CompTIA.
"The realignment of our advisory boards corresponds to the four major segments of the IT chain -Distributors, partners, suppliers and end users - will help keep the advice and specific skills to develop and implement projects and initiatives that are critical for market segments that represent "continued Taber.
CompTIA membership of advisory councils is "by invitation only" and participants must be able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge and experience in various management positions channels. The four new advisers CompTIA tips consist of more than 80 industry executives representing a cross section of the distributor, supplier of IT solutions, end users and provider organizations. For more information on advisory councils in 2016 CompTIA click here (
Advisory Councils announce new initiatives and new leadersUnder the new charter, advisory boards CompTIA initiatives and objectives of actions to advance the key before IT industry. These include promoting the importance of IT business, bridging the gap between business and technology, and the exchange of best practices around how to build a successful practice hybrid cloud.
"Our advisory councils working for the industry to identify and address key turning points, including cloud computing, managed services, best practices program and the transformation of business model," Taber said. "Together, these tips provide CompTIA with external validation that our educational initiatives are aligned with the needs of our members and the wider whole IT industry."
To help ensure success, CompTIA has also called Ken Presti IT industry channel veteran as director of advisory boards. In this paper, Presti seeks to increase the visibility and voice of advisory boards and CompTIA serves to help drive positive change together.
"We are excited to have Ken on board to help focus attention and efforts of our Advisory Board," Taber said. "With nearly 20 years of industry experience, Ken includes the channel, their main concerns, values ​​and means of influence. His knowledge and experience will be invaluable to help our advisory councils expand their iT relevance channel and influence decisions at the highest level within the IT industry. "

Thursday 25 February 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 42

Question No 42:

Which of the following is BEST used to capture and analyze network traffic between hosts on the
same network segment?

Protocol analyzer

Answer: A

Thursday 18 February 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 41

Question No 41:

Which of the following is BEST at blocking attacks and providing security at layer 7 of the OSI model?


Answer: A

Sunday 14 February 2016

Realising the Benefits of Digital Business Will Take Time

This year will be a pivotal year for organisations pursuing digital transformation strategies, and while companies have embraced cloud and mobile over the past five years, global trade association CompTIA says it will take more than the adoption of these technologies to realise the benefits of digital business.

A non-profit trade body, CompTIA has issued its report on business technology trends to watch in 2016.

According to Tim Herbert, senior VP, research and market intelligence, CompTIA, the pressure will be on C-suite executives to “drive the realignment of business models and workflows to ensure integration with existing technology investments, while incorporating new data analytics, social, and automation elements”.

And, Moheb Moses, Director - Channel Dynamics, and ANZ Community Director - CompTIA, said, CompTIA views 2016 as another year of momentum and continuation, “as incremental advancements in a number of areas make their mark on the IT industry and broader economy”.

So, here’s what CompTIA has to say about the six business and technology trends to watch in 2016:

  •  User experience drives technology initiatives: As technology becomes increasingly important to all facets of business, efforts will intensify to provide better end-to-end user experiences. Some of these efforts will be ‘pushed,’ where technology providers or employers want to encourage or influence certain user behaviours. Other initiatives may result from ‘pull’; users accustomed to user-friendly consumer applications will exert influence over corporate IT to replicate those same experiences. These efforts will need to go well beyond user interfaces. Technology providers and organisations will have to factor in elements such as mobile, cloud, data and social.
  •  Digital business encompasses more than IT: The notion of elevating technology discussions to C-suite and boardroom levels of importance has been percolating for some time. As with many aspects of innovation, however, advances on this front occur in fits and starts, often taking longer than expected. With technology-driven business transformation now mission critical for so many organisations, expect greater numbers of CEOs and boardrooms to embrace their role of ensuring these strategies become part of the business. Realising maximum benefits from these transformational opportunities requires efforts that go well beyond the IT department.
  • Cloud is the new electricity: Cloud computing has been a dominant force in the IT industry, thanks to the way it has transformed IT operations and technology strategies. Companies have considered many cloud-specific aspects of business systems, from migration to integration and security. As the questions around cloud are answered and the benefits are becoming obvious, businesses are adopting a cloud-first strategy as they plan new technology projects. In time, this will drive cloud to the same place as “electricity” or “Internet”— so prevalent that it becomes a standard part of any planning. On the front end of the computing spectrum, mobile devices will follow a similar pattern. The ultimate goal is the complete solution.
  • Companies go on the offensive with security: The mindset around security has been shifting in recent years due to a number of factors, such as the adoption of new technology models and the reliance on digital data. This year, ongoing security breaches across a wide range of industries and companies will add a proactive element to the security approach. Companies will increase activities such as penetration testing, external audits, and end user evaluations that lead to investments in new security training platforms. As metrics are developed around these areas, companies will also begin to publicly disclose the results of their tactics. As the security balance shifts further away from prevention and more towards detection, active measures will be needed to keep ahead of the curve.
  • The chase for analytics heats up (again): Big data first came on the scene a few years ago, but there is renewed interest in gaining insights from data and making data-based decisions. The competitive advantage gained from intelligent use of data has separated early adopters from their counterparts, and everyone wants to quickly follow suit. The spectrum of data tools includes initial storage and the processing stage, but analytic and visualization will be the dominant areas of interest.
  • The software layer gets much more attention: The definition of software has changed, as the concept of packaged applications with licenses is moving to an app or Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model. The importance of software has also grown, as manual, paper-based processes are replaced by digital equivalents. To build a digital workflow, companies are quickly recognizing the need for some level of development to customize or integrate applications. In turn, development efforts are being streamlined through the use of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) environments and containers for greater app independence. Integration also hints at the growing demand to virtualise and automate infrastructure. More programming skills are needed as companies pursue software defined data centers (SDDC) or, at the very least, a higher degree of automation.
  • Nick Beauregard, CEO and Founder at HubOne and Chair, ANZ Community at CompTIA, said, ““While these trends present an evolving breed of opportunities and threats for our industry, the continuous change once again underpins why as an industry we need to listen to customers and work together to address the new business landscape. The CompTIA ANZ Channel Community is one of these forums and I look forward to hearing insights at our events in the year ahead.”

Thursday 11 February 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 40

Question No 40:

A bank has a fleet of aging payment terminals used by merchants for transactional processing. The terminals currently support single DES but require an upgrade in order to be compliant with security standards. Which of the following is likely to be the simplest upgrade to the aging terminals which will improve in-transit protection of transactional data?


Answer: B

Sunday 7 February 2016

CompTIA Thanks Department of Commerce, EU for New Safe Harbor Agreement

CompTIA, the Computing Technology Industry Association, issued the following statement on a new project of the Safe Harbor Agreement (to be called "the EU are American. Privacy Shield") announced today by the European Commissioner jourová see.

The insurance agreement before port, which provides guidelines for US companies to transfer data securely from the EU to the United States, was annulled by the European Court of Justice in October. Without a new agreement, thousands of US companies were left without a way to transfer data across the Atlantic, without the risk of sanctions by the European data protection authorities.

The following statement should be attributed to Elizabeth Hyman, executive vice president, CompTIA:

"We thank the European Commission and the United States Department of Commerce for their hard work in developing this new draft agreement on EU-US privacy shield.

This is a great step forward for more than 4,000 companies in the United States they have transferred data across the Atlantic under the safe harbor. However, there is much work to be done before this new agreement can be implemented, and we hope that the process continues to move forward at this critical moment for the future of trade between the EU and the United States. "

SYO-401 Exam Question No 39

Question No 39:

A merchant acquirer has the need to store credit card numbers in a transactional database in a high performance environment. Which of the following BEST protects the credit card data?

Database field encryption
File-level encryption
Data loss prevention system
Full disk encryption

Answer: A

Sunday 31 January 2016

Diverse Roster of IT Industry Experts Will Lead CompTIA Communities Executive Board in 2016

Thought leaders from across the full span of the information technology (IT) industry industry will lead the CompTIA Communities Executive Board in 2016, the nonprofit trade association announced today.

26 members of the Board of Directors, which represents technology manufacturers, distributors, service providers and solutions, consultants and others working together to provide advice and information to help CompTIA fulfill its mission to advance the industry.

"Each of these leaders understand the technology enterprises operate business climate and the problems they face in the market," says Nancy Hammervik, senior vice president of industry relations, CompTIA. "More importantly, diversity of this group ensures that the views of industry are represented. This is essential for CompTIA seek to generate support for new initiatives and encourage greater participation of the industry."

CompTIA Communities Board Members for 2016 identified by their community or their affiliation with a table, they are:
  • Advancement of women in IT - Michelle Ragusa-McBain, Cisco and Cristina Greysman, SunGard Availability Services
  •    ANZ Channel - Nick Beaugeard, HubOne and Kellie Hackney, Kaseya International
  • TI Canadian Business - Douglas Brown, Xerox Canada and Brian Jeffries, formerly with Cisco
  • Cloud - Jason Bystrak, Ingram Micro and Samantha Ciaccia, Datto
  • Of Future Leaders - Brittani Von Roden, VAR Dynamics and Rory Jackson, Business Continuity Technologies
  • Safety IT - Chris Johnson, conflict resolution and Ron Culler, secure drawings, Inc.
  • IT service and support - Aaron Acker, deployment Pro, LLC and Robert Hausman, Board Group50
  • Managed Print Services - Tawnya stone, financial GreatAmerica and Jeff Bendix, Bendix images
  • Managed Services - Vince Tinnirello, Network Solutions and Kelly O'Bray anchor, LogicNow
  • Channel UK - Kristian Wright, Inbay Ltd and Steve Ross, Shackleton Technologies
  • Human Services Information Technology Advisory Group - John Petraborg, HP Enterprise Kumar and Rachuri, Adobe
  • Space Business Council - Rosanna Sattler, Posternak Blankstein and Lund LLP
  • State and Local Government and training - John Stührenberg, AT & T
Mary Ellen Grom, SYNNEX Corporation and Barry Williams, Comcast Business CompTIA serves the Board of Directors connections to the Community Board. Jim Hamilton, vice president of member communities, CompTIA is the link to the card.

For more information on the communities and the advice of the members of CompTIA and value of membership in the association's visit

Thursday 28 January 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 38

Question No 38:

Which of the following is true about input validation in a client-server architecture, when data integrity is
critical to the organization?

It should be enforced on the client side only.
It must be protected by SSL encryption.
It must rely on the user's knowledge of the application.
It should be performed on the server side.

Answer: D

Sunday 24 January 2016

CompTIA Names Tech Champions for 2016

The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) this week acknowledged California sms. Ling Ling Chang (R-Diamond Bar) and Evan Low (D-Silicon Valley) that 2016 Champions Tech.

The annual honor will show lawmakers that "the leadership and support of the technology industry in the California State Legislature."
Chang and low are both members of the new Legislative Assembly Technology and Innovation Caucus.

CompTIA has 2,000 member companies and has published nearly 2 million IT certifications, according to the organization.

"We are honored to introduce the members of the Assembly and Chang as our champion Low Tech 2016 for their efforts and support of the technology industry here in California he continued," said Kelly Hitt, director of business CompTIA California Government. "As many states are turning to California as a leader in innovation, it is important that our elected officials support the legislation boost the digital economy.

Tech Our Champions are strong voices in the technology community and help to ensure that our industry continues to succeed. "

Thursday 21 January 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 38

Question No 38:

After analyzing and correlating activity from multiple sensors, the security administrator has determined that a group of very well organized individuals from an enemy country is responsible for various attempts to breach the company network, through the use of very sophisticated and targeted attacks. Which of the following is this an example of?

Privilege escalation
Advanced persistent threat
Malicious insider threat
Spear phishing

Answer: B

Sunday 17 January 2016

CompTIA provides access to training Prime members free cybersecurity to help meet the need for greater safety awareness among IT workers.
From now on, all the members of CompTIA Premier are eligible to receive 50 free places for CompTIA Ciber ensure current online self-training that familiarizes users with a series of good practice cyber security to protect their business, according to the ad. CompTIA vice president of industry relations Nancy Hammervik says the offer is intended to give members the information needed to protect critical assets for themselves and their customers.

"We wear our Premier Members with the curriculum and the training needed to cover the largest controlling an organization's security hole - employee behavior," he said in a statement.

Recent research shows human error is often one of the most important factors of safety violations in the workplace, especially as employees begin to use mobile technology in the office, according to CompTIA. In fact, the company unveiled the results of a study last year found that 45 percent of American workers do not receive any training in cyber security at all of their employers.

Premier Members can choose to use the free places for their own employees or give them to customers. These CompTIA members who are interested in obtaining their free training should contact their representative of a Member or email for more information.

Additional seating for over 50 employees companies can be bought separately.

"The risks are too high and too many organizations ignore threats to the need for greater security fund for training," said Kelly Ricker, vice president of events and education at CompTIA. "The lessons are delivered with CompTIA CyberSecure relevant for workers in all sectors, be it a small business, a medium-size or large company;. In the public or private sector"

Friday 15 January 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 37

Question No 37:

A user attempting to log on to a workstation for the first time is prompted for the following information before being granted access: username, password, and a four-digit security pin that was mailed to him during account registration. This is an example of which of the following?

Dual-factor authentication
Multifactor authentication
Single factor authentication
Biometric authentication

Answer: C

Sunday 10 January 2016

CompTIA Revises A+ Exams with Security, Networking Sections

CompTIA is revamping its popular A+ exam series to reflect the growing number of systems and services IT professionals need to master.

The CompTIA A+ 900 series exams, which are available globally, include sections dedicated to several skillsets that were absent in previous versions, including “Security, networking, operating systems, IT operations, troubleshooting and technical support,” according to the announcement.

“An IT technician has to be knowledgeable working with tablets, smartphones, laptops and desktops running iOS, Android, Windows and OS X connected to secure local networks and the cloud all at the same time,” said CompTIA President and CEO Todd Thibodeaux, in a statement. “The updated CompTIA A+ exams reflect this reality.”

Eight of the nine domains in the CompTIA A+ 900 series exams include security topics, which require candidates to apply a variety of security concepts, such as supporting and securing access to data via proper authentication, to receive certification.

CompTIA has also added sections that require candidates to identify the basic tenants of cloud computing, virtualization, desktop imaging and deployment, according to the announcement. Additional skills tested in the new exam series include knowledge of IPv4, IPv6, DHCP and subnet masks for networking, as well as working with mobile operating systems.

“Troubleshooting also takes a greater role in the new exams,” said Dr. James Stanger, senior director, products at CompTIA. “The demand on technical support and the expectations of users requires them to have a broader knowledgebase and to solve problems quickly and accurately.”

If you are currently studying for the previous version of the A+ exams, don’t worry – CompTIA said it is still offering versions 220-801 and 220-802 through the end of June. Those who complete these exams will not be penalized for taking a previous version.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

SYO-401 Exam Question No 36

Question No 36:

Which of the following ciphers would be BEST used to encrypt streaming video?


Answer: B

Sunday 3 January 2016

CompTIA: Cloud, as a service big factors for 2016 channel

CompTIA announces predictions for next year 

Cloud and the world as a service that lets you configure Vierten be important factors Canal in 2016, according to Industry Outlook CompTIA IT ANNOUNCES December 22.

CompTIA has Attending adoption of cloud computing to grow further in the new year.

"That's not quite Cloud sera become pure product of the UN, such as electricity, that Sera so prevalent in IT architecture [That] accent private cloud, will step has global solution planning of" Seth Robinson, director of director of technology analysis at CompTIA, said in a press A.

With things increasingly based on cloud and as a service of the UN, many suppliers are already SOLUTIONS Find Services Vierten be your main source of income, rather than the margins provided by our vendor partners, CompTIA emphasizes.

Which is reflected in partner programs, Carolyn April, director of industry analysis at CompTIA, said in una sera year UN statement.

"That Staples such initial dorsal Discounts and promotions program have been reduced Materiality" -. He said: "This is a wakeup call for sellers who need to think differently in future models of partner compensation New suppliers without hardware or software assets are judiciously Cloud Partner programs recognize this heritage buildings.".

That adds a CompTIA change does not come cheap or easy recipe that will be difficult for suppliers of Faro.
In addition, solutions providers can expect more of a lobby on the experiences of end users combat in 2016, Tim Herbert, vice president research and market intelligence to CompTIA, Yes.

"Some of these efforts" shoots "of technology providers or employers who want to encourage certain behaviors or influential," said the UN statement. Pull "Efforts Others" "Whether users accustomed Applications Great easy to use public exert influence technology company to reproduce these same experiences."

This will also have an impact on how the UN will not solution providers must address a title next year, according to the Consultative Council member Paul Cronin CompTIA Vice Atrion partners.

"Consultants, integrators and suppliers who can Socorrista the IOC design a business strategy of comprehensive security that brings together leaders and engage Worry Business Enterprises will be in the right place at the right time one," he said.