Sunday 30 October 2016

Channel remains undecided on cloud, says CompTIA

CompTIA research suggests that after gobbling the cloud of dreams, the channel may be subject to buyer's remorse period

Channel companies have not yet made up their mind about where cloud computing fits your business, finding new CompTIA suggests.

Sixth annual status report channel CompTIA found that almost 40% of respondents believe that cloud computing is the main reason to be optimistic about the future of the chain.

At the same time, a third of companies surveyed said the cloud channel is one of the main concerns that made them worried about the coming days.

"The channel is still not 100% comfortable with the cloud, in fact, are less secure than they were two years ago," said Principal Carolyn April, industry analysis, CompTIA.

April, said that after a period of rapid adoption of the cloud, the channel seems to undergo a "reality check."

"As the channel has had more experience in working with the cloud, which saw the problem areas, tempered their expectations about the cost and return on investment and are now in the phase of" refinement, "" she said. "This shows that the passage of the chain to the cloud is not linear, March uniform pace, but rather a case of two steps forward and one step back."

Branches clouds go beyond capital expenditures and return on investment. There are two years, 70% of companies surveyed channel said the cloud had strengthened its relations with customers. This year, the figure dropped to 60%. And almost a quarter of companies believe that cloud ties with customers weakened, compared with 17% two years ago.


Despite going through a period of instability, most organizations (63%) remain optimistic that the channel has a good performance in the coming years, interesting, medium and large companies were more optimistic than their counterparts in the smaller companies.

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