Thursday 21 May 2015

TechAmerica to be known as CompTIA

hello-my-name-is-changeTechAmerica is set to lose its name and sit under the generic name of CompTIA, CompTIA said today.
Last May, CompTIA acquired TechAmerica, an advocacy group business interests based in Washington DC. Now, CompTIA has announced that "evolve" the title name TechAmerica CompTIA, Nancy Hammervik, vice president of industry relations with the CompTIA said. 

"We believe this move will recall a number of people that we are one organization, working for the same goals," he said in a statement.
According Hammervik, movement will occur over time as a "process" that recognizes CompTIA to TechAmerica recognized the name.
"We will continue to honor the history TechAmerica by conducting the same policy priorities in the affairs of state government, federal policy and regulatory areas of trade and compliance," he said.
"CompTIA also continue its programs at the state and local government and education, services and sectors of social business space."

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